Beside cost saving and efficient legal compliance including the client workforce, the additional goal is here to create a sustainable and marketing-concious organisation. This engenders both introduction of energy management procedures and official ISO certifications to signal professionalism and determination internally and to all external parties (customers, suppliers, authorities, the public).
This package is clearly designed to optimise the gains from cost-efficient energy and environment management and to show this proudly to relevant third parties.
1.) Climate protection strategy and CO2 balance
The climate protection strategy concerns the joint development of long-term climate protection targets, including peer benchmarking. A CO2 balance requires a strategy and integration into the operational decision-making process. Together, these instruments serve not only to embed the company in society and the environment on a sustainable basis, but also to safeguard the value of the company.
2.) Area Strategic Corporate Goals Energy and Environment
Corporate goals represent a first important indicator for the further energy- and environment-related measures for energy efficiency. Such goals can also be taken into the packages “Cost Cutter” and “Cost and Compliance”, but they are a necessary must for companies targeting sustainable energy management.
3.) Area EMAS, EN and ISO Certification
In order to manage the energy-specific company measures in a sustainable way, the client is offered support for certification proceedings. Beside ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EN 16001, particularly ISO 50001 is of key focus in this regard. Beside preparation for first-time certification, also ongoing monitoring procedures including re-checks are offered for successful recertification.
A crucial element of ISO 50001 is the mandatory introduction of an energy management system with the following characteristics:
After an Initial Review and more detailed analysis of energy data, major energy consumers and energy costs, suggestions for energy saving can be devised. These suggestions are then introduced and have to be monitored.
4.) Area Sustainability Report
Parallel to a sustainable management information system is the reporting and documentation in this regard. These sustainability reports take on the most important subjects for sustainability: economics, ecology and social management (Triple Bottom Line). Beside the annual report, a sustainability report is an important element of the information police of a company. It is at the same time an instrument for sustainable management and for marketing.